Our commitment for the environment

With our choices we can protect the environment and keep water pure and uncontaminated for future generations.

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Environmental sustainability

We have been committed to environmental sustainability for the past 40 years, implementing a policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which we do by following the principle of the 4Rs.

san benedetto, sostenibilita, razionalizzazione


We invest constantly in research and development, and this has enabled us to adopt new production processes, new materials and new methods.

san benedetto, sostenibilità, riciclo


We breathe new life into PET bottles, and our product range features packaging made also from recycled plastic (RPET).

san benedetto, sostenibilita, riduzione


We reduce the use of PET in our packaging. The bottles we produce weigh less, which leads to real energy savings.

san benedetto, sostenibilita, responsabilita


We purchase credits to finance environmental defence projects that offset all the CO2e emissions generated by our products.

CO2 offsetting

Green Energy

RPET recycling

Production processes

CO2 Zero Impact

Every year we calculate the amount of greenhouse gases generated during the entire life cycle of our products, with the aim of minimising CO₂ emissions. Just think that, for the Ecogreen range, we have neutralised no less than 357.913 tonnes of CO₂ equivalent over the last 9 years.
Offsetting means neutralising CO₂ emissions through environmental protection projects.

In this way, emissions that cannot be avoided in one place are reduced or absorbed elsewhere on the Earth. By financing projects that use renewable energy or encourage the planting of trees, real “credits” are generated and these can be used by companies to offset their CO₂e ""debts"" and become entirely "zero impact".

Energy saving

Efficiency, sustainability, and environment are three pillars that guide our choices towards the use of clean energy.

According to data analysis in Scorzè, Paese and Popoli sites, over the last 5 years we have significantly reduced our energy and natural gas consumption. With the same annual production, there are a lower consumption of electricity approximately equal to that of over 4,000 typical families and a lower consumption of natural gas approximately equal to that of over 400 typical families.*

Our production also requires approximately 6% less electricity and natural gas; this energy improvement is the result of the over 200 energy efficiency activities that we are carrying out. We have also adopted LED lighting in all our factories and installed photovoltaic modules in Viggianello and Popoli.

*the typical family has average electricity consumption of 2,700 kWh per year and a committed power of 3 kW; for gas consumption is 1,400 cubic meters per year.


Did you know that PET is 100% recyclable?

San Benedetto products are made with PET, 100% recyclable plastic. PET packaging complies with the strict hygienic conditions imposed in the food, cosmetic and pharmacological sectors. Furthermore, for the Ecogreen line, we also use recycled plastic.

RPET gives new life to plastic bottles recovered from the environment and separated by type, shredded, ground and then washed. RPET production reduces the use of virgin plastic and results in savings in CO₂ emissions.

Technological innovation dedicated to the environment

Environmental sustainability is an essential factor in our business model.

For this reason we have initiated a virtuous process along the entire production chain and have succeeded in converting production in favour of the environment in an innovative and distinctive way, reducing the raw material (PET) used by 40% and avoiding waste.

Today, our entire production department uses energy-efficient, low-emission machinery and we continue to strive to improve performance and become even greener.

A sustainable approach


of CO2e saved with the Network project in 2022


of CO2e reduced from 2013 to 2022 with the Ecogreen range


for San Benedetto forest in Scorzè

In the last nine years

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The 2L Ecogreen bottle has achieved savings equal to 112,892 11.5W LED bulbs always on 24 hours a day for a year.

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Our outstanding results with Ecogreen 0.5L correspond to the CO₂ absorbed in one year by 254,367 plants.

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With Ecogreen 1L Easy bottle the total saving is equivalent to a 40t truck not having travelled 743,509 km.

San Benedetto ECOGREEN CO₂ Zero Impact

san benedetto, sostenibilita, video brumotti 2024



san benedetto, sostenibilita, accordo, volontario

Voluntary Agreement with the Ministry of Ecologic Transition

Our sense of responsibility and willingness to pursue an innovative path in the name of sustainability.

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SAN BENEDETTO is Sustainability

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The Network of sources 

When you think of water close to home, you think of San Benedetto.

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