With our choices we can protect the environment and keep water pure and uncontaminated for future generations.
Scarica schede e folderWe have been committed to environmental sustainability for the past 40 years, implementing a policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which we do by following the principle of the 4Rs.
2023: Mai Ndombe REDD+ project, for the introduction of sustainable agriculture, forest conservation and reforestation.
Since 2023, we have been supporting Wildlife Works and their Mai Ndombe REDD+ project in Congo. With the purchase of credits possible through offsetting, the project has more resources to continue restoring 300,000 hectares of rainforest through the introduction of sustainable agriculture. Their Sustainable Development Goals are realized through initiatives that include education, health, food security, gender equality and biodiversity conservation, concretely supporting and engaging a community of over 50,000 people.
From 2011 to date, the project has already prevented the release of 24.2 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere.
2013: Grid-connected Wind Energy project by Super Wind Project Private Ltd, to bring more wind energy.
2015: Pamir I Hydropower Generation project, for the maintenance of hydroelectric plants.
2020: Hydropower Project, to increase the use of hydropower in Myanmar.